Hamilton Family Party of 4

Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy 11 Month Birthday (+1 Day), Sadie!!!

Our baby girl is quickly approaching toddlerhood…YIKES!!! Can I freeze time right now and keep her small forever? She is so loving and cuddly, but we are starting to see so much of her new-found independence, personality coming out.

She is now waving hi and bye, giving high five, giving kisses, and clapping on cue (especially to the song If Your Happy and You Know It). She can say Mama, Dada, and Baba (bottle). She has two more top teeth coming in, making 4 on top and 2 on bottom. She has a full head of light-brown curls and hazel eyes. She is starting to stand unassisted more and more and walking behind her push car. We are predicting she will walk by her first birthday.

Sadie is so happy each morning when she wakes up and is so patient for us to come get her out of her crib. She barely makes a sound when she’s awake as she just plays in her crib. When we walk in the room, she lights up and pulls herself up and gets so excited to see us. I don’t know who is more exited, Sadie to see mommy (or daddy) or mommy to see that beautiful smiling baby!

As fast as we know the baby stage is coming to end, we are so excited to see Sadie grow up. It has been amazing to see Sadie and Bryce interact, they love each other. I know that bond will only get stronger as Sadie gets older and can play alongside Bryce more and more.

On a positive note, this is our last month of baby formula and bottles as we will transition to whole milk and solely using sippy cups.

This is my friend Heather's little boy, Garrett. Sadie is so fascinated by him!

As Garrett checks himself out in the mirror, Sadie checks him out!

Look at those curls!
A little help from mom and dad to begin walking.

1 comment:

  1. she is so cute! Thanks for the link - I lost the link to the other blog!!!
