Hamilton Family Party of 4

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Christmas Festivities Continue...

On Tuesday I took the kids to see Santa. Bryce kept telling me, "I have already seen Santa, remember in California?" Of course I remember, but mommy was not there and we do not have our professional photo. Well, $25 later and we have the same photo that Nana and Papa got...Bryce with a blank look and Sadie screaming! Oh the memories. Bryce did tell Santa what he would like...Pirate Shoes...good luck Santa!

I decided to have Bryce and I start a new tradition (and will add Sadie next year, she was napping) and make Christmas cookies together for him to pass out to some friends. He had a BLAST doing this! I think he mainly enjoyed doing it because he kept sneaking over and stealing cookies!

Those are the nice photos and I decided to share the picture of my messy kitchen. The price I pay for my son to have a good time!

Today Bryce had his Christmas Program at Preschool...Walk to Bethlehem. For their age group, they have an interactive experience. The preschool director as well as their teachers tell the story of Jesus as the kids get to touch the props (their class made the donkey) and act out the story. It is such a neat experience! Bryce had fun singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Happy Birthday to Jesus. He LOVED holding baby Jesus and saying, "I love you, Jesus!" Sadie enjoyed the story as well and was very intrigued by all the kids.


  1. I love Bryce's Veggie Tales shirt! How adorable. I'm so impressed that you and Bryce were able to make 5 different shapes of cookies with icing..... yummy! We loved receiving your Christmas Card the other day. Hopefully we will see you within the next few days, but if not we send you all of our love!!

  2. love all the photos - so cute!!!!!!!

  3. We made cookies today too! My kitchen looked the exact same way when we were finished. I must admit your cookies look much better than ours:)
