Hamilton Family Party of 4

Monday, January 5, 2009


On Thursday I woke up and said, "Today is the day I am going to start weaning Sadie from her bottle." She has been doing so well with her sippy cup at meal times for quite some time now and has been on whole milk for a week.

She has become so dependent upon her bottle for naps and bedtime that I wasn't sure how this would go. I decided to take away the bottle for naps and give her a sippy cup instead (We are bad parents, over the past 2 months we have given her bottle to her in bed, with all the traveling this seemed to comfort her the best to fall asleep...ANYWHERE).

Day #1-Thursday
The first nap she cried for an hour...I know this sounds horrific, but she was just moaning, never an uncontrollable cry. She finally fell asleep. Her second nap of the day found her again crying, a bit more, and after 45 minutes I went and got her. I did not give in with the bottle. She just skipped this afternoon nap. At bedtime, she moaned for 5 minutes and was out like a light and slept through the night.

Day #2-Friday
Naps were pretty much the same, with crying lasting 30 minutes and took both naps. Boy this seems to be going well. I worked on Friday night, so Jared did bedtime duty. He got distracted and forgot that we weren't giving her bottles anymore. Needless to say, she got her bottle and went to bed without a peep. Oops!

Day #3-Saturday
She still cries when we put her down, but will be asleep or happily playing in her crib within 5 minutes. She successfully went the entire day without a bottle!

Day #4-Sunday
Another successful day without a bottle and getting better when we put her down.

I hope I am not jumping the gun here, but it looks like we are done with bottles and formula!!!! They are still in the cabinet, but by the end of the week I hope to see them disappear...a step towards de-cluttering! Yeah! Of course I am a little sad as this is a HUGE milestone for my little girl as she is becoming a toddler. I will miss our little baby, but am so excited for what the future holds. She is so full of life and becoming more and more independent each day. I am truly blessed to be able to call her my daughter!

1 comment:

  1. way to go Sadie! Keep up with it - progress! I'm dreading taking away nursing/pacifier for bedtime/naptime with Elliott - I was so much more strict with Oliver!!!!!
